Tuesday, May 6, 2008

W Edwards Deming- Rebuilding Japan

Rebuilding Japan With the Help of 2 Americans

8. Douglas MacArthur (1880-1964) and W. Edwards Deming (1900-1993).
Rebuilding Japan

Japan's path from post-war devastation to export powerhouse has involved many important factors, a lot of hard work and a bit of luck. But two Americans who played important parts in the world's greatest economic recovery story--a story that has altered lifestyles around the world and sent countless vehicles, VCRs and Walkmans into our homes--are Gen. Douglas MacArthur and quality guru W. Edwards Deming.

MacArthur's principal contribution as supreme commander for the Allied Powers in Japan (1945-1951)--a de facto dictator--was to break apart an outdated and ossified economic and social structure, allowing Japan's inherent creativity to blossom. "This was all very important for the development of Japan's post-war economy," said Masayoshi Tsurumi, an economics professor and financial historian at Hosei University.


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