Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Kaoru Ishikawa- Fishbone Diagram

The Fishbone diagram is one of the many management tools created by Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa. Ishikawa-san was thirty years old when the "little boy" and "fat man" bombs dropped on two of Japan's cities. Working in the Kawasaki shipyards, Dr Ishikawa was also witness to Japan's long road towards recovery and rebuilding which required a lot of hard work coupled with innovation and creativity.
This was when Japan turned to advanced countries such as the United States for ideas and techniques for application in their own context. Quickly discarding their pre-war biases and prejudices, Japanese businesses embraced all management concepts developed by the Americans - for there was just no other way to lower their costs and boost their efficiency.
From an importer of knowledge and ideas, Japan became an exporter of the same when Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa's inventions and contributions in the management field began to be adopted by management and businesses throughout the world.

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